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Our Spring 19 graduates

Here are the Spring 19 graduates

Let us introduce you to the five companies that made it to the end of our Spring 19 programme! They are now prepared, ready and back at their offices to apply their learnings.

  • Book & Order: is the new way of using restaurants. It allows you to book a table, select your menu upfront and choose the right beverages from the comfort of your own home.

  • Forsfor: provides tools to quantify our everyday life and generate actionable feedback based on personal health data.

  • Museum App: allows you to get access to a huge number of Museums in Finland.

  • Polement: no info found

  • Resistomap: is monitoring antibiotic resistance in the environment.

It is also important for us to share the change these companies went through during our programme. We are proud and content of all the learnings achieved by all the teams. Here’s a quick sum up about each company:

Book & order

Then: they had a clear idea and a good industry knowledge. It was quite a hustle because they were also working on a cruise ship for half the batch.

Now: they will stop chasing investors and will focus on landing customers.


Then: they started with only an idea.

Now: they have a clear need to build a prototype and find actual customers.

Museum App

Then: they came to our programme with a clear idea.

Now: they stopped as their main partner started to implement the idea themselves. They pivoted to route finding for tourists.


Then: he came to our programme as a Russian scientist wanting to build something.

Now: he has a clear plan of what needs to be done.


Then: they knew what they wanted and what should be done as they were recent graduates from Founder Institute.

Now: they acquired confidence to start executing all the plans.

We're now excited for our new Fall 19 batch!



The Sampo Accelerator Team

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